Private individuals

    Premarital investigation

    Uncertainty about your future spouse often leads to frustration. Through a premarital investigation, you can be safe rather than sorry. Buytaert & Partners brings all your doubts to an end and gives you peace of mind in return. With discretion and integrity, we monitor the whereabouts of your future spouse and, if necessary, we provide suitable and ready-to-use firm legal evidence.

    Contact us for a free (anonymous) counselling interview without obligation.

    Adultery & infidelity

    Have you been doubting the integrity of your (marriage) partner for some time and do you need certainty? Buytaert & Partners will use its best efforts to discreetly find out the truth. If infidelity or adultery can be proven, we provide suitable and ready-to-use firm legal evidence so that you can immediately take further action and resume your life as soon as possible with full peace of mind.

    Contact us for a free (anonymous) counselling interview without obligation.

    Child custody

    A divorce is always a very sensitive issue, especially if you have children. Are you doubting your partner's ability to duly assume the task of bringing up your children, and do you need certainty? Buytaert & Partners investigates the situation discreetly and with integrity and, if necessary, we provide suitable and ready-to-use firm legal evidence so that you can take further action to protect your children.

    Contact us for a free (anonymous) counselling interview without obligation.


    Stalking is a phenomenon that unfortunately occurs too often and takes a huge psychological toll on the victim. Usually, it is not easy for police forces to catch and prosecute the stalker in question. Buytaert & Partners ensures in all discretion that the stalker gets a face and that you have suitable and ready-to-use firm legal evidence to put as soon as possible an end to the psychological terror of which you are the victim.

    Contact us for a free (anonymous) counselling interview without obligation.

    Do you need certainty?

    Buytaert & Partners BV
    Herautenlaan 12
    2180 Ekeren
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