Inspection of undeclared work & business fraud
Professional help for inspecting undeclared work or business fraud?
Because you want to know if your suspicions are correct:
- An employee calls in sick but works elsewhere in the meantime.
- A sales representative is at home gaming instead of prospecting.
- You receive reports that there is counterfeit of your product on the market.
- …
Buytaert & Partners does everything to remove your last doubts and provides immediately usable and legally valid proof.

Undeclared Work & Business Fraud
Undeclared work is a serious form of tax and business fraud, as your ‘sick’ employee cashes in twice. The major drawback: it is not so easy to substantiate. And you can’t just accuse your people, of course.
Also, with employees who are often on the road or have remote work, it is difficult to verify if they have actually worked their charged hours. And what if your employee goes prospecting but ultimately lands the client for themselves or a competitor?
Counterfeit goods also fall under business fraud. Is your company obliged to conduct annual research into counterfeits as part of your insurance policy? Then you can rely on our detective agency’s expertise.
Checking employees: is that allowed?
Absolutely. As an employer, you can always monitor undeclared work and business fraud, as long as it is done within the legally permissible framework. This regulation is recorded in your employment contracts and collective labor agreements, so your employees are aware of this.
Legally, you may also hire a private detective to investigate the professional activities and alternative work performances of your people. To detect counterfeit goods or to check any other form of business fraud.
Buytaert & Partners helps you map the facts in a legally correct way. The message you then give on the work floor works very preventively.
Why hire a detective agency?
Belgium remains one of the European leaders in terms of undeclared work and business fraud. So chances are your company is also dealing with this. However, you do not have to solve this alone.
By hiring a detective agency, you introduce a specialized partner who:
- conducts discreet and anonymous investigations, without your employees noticing.
- makes objective findings and provides sufficient evidence.
- works professionally with the most efficient tools & methods.

Investigation of undeclared work & business fraud requires the necessary experience and expertise to build a legally correct dossier. Therefore, seek external assistance.
Buytaert & Partners handles it professionally for you.
Inspection of undeclared work & business fraud: what and how?

1. Intake conversation
Our private detective first listens to your story completely non-binding. Together with you and your legal team and/or HR department, we determine how Buytaert & Partners can be of service to you. After this conversation, you decide whether to proceed with us.
2. Investigation into undeclared work & business fraud
During the investigation into undeclared work & business fraud, we organize observations and follow-ups. We capture facts and activities in photo and video material. Neighborhood research and interrogation can also lead to important information.
Every day, you receive a progress report from us with a summary of performances and expenses. At the end of the assignment, a final report follows. All reports are legally admissible.
3. End of assignment
When the investigation of undeclared work & business fraud is completed depends on the circumstances. Sometimes the private detective collects enough evidence after just one day, sometimes more days are needed. Immediate success is not guaranteed, but we commit to a best-effort obligation. As a client, you remain closely involved in the investigation.
That's why you choose Buytaert & Partners, experienced private detectives
30+ Years of shared experience
Our detective agency is a highly trained team of experienced professionals who delve into your case.
Legal expertise
With a Master in Law and Criminology, we prove our added value in legal cases.
Personal & customer-focused
Before, during, and after: your private detective is always approachable. The intake conversation is free and without obligation.
Total transparency
From start to finish, you know exactly what to expect. No surprises with us. We keep you informed.
What does inspecting undeclared work & business fraud yield?
An anonymous selection from our cases …
Case 1
Our detective agency was engaged by a construction company. One of the employees frequently called in sick for a week, while rumors about moonlighting were gradually increasing. Our detective quickly confirmed that the worker, during his sick days, was indeed working for individuals installing solar panels on his own account.
Case 2
The perfume industry is a sector heavily affected by counterfeit schemes. Our agency was tasked with tracing the source of a specific counterfeit perfume. Through targeted observations and strategic tracking, we were ultimately able to locate the warehouse from which the fake bottles were being distributed. This was the breakthrough our client had hoped for.
Case 3
For a wholesale wine distributor, we tracked a representative suspected of time fraud. According to his own reports, he claimed to spend days driving around to recruit new customers, but in reality, he spent hours in a café every day. Employee fraud, therefore. We provided our client with the solid evidence needed to prevent further financial damage.
Frequently asked questions about moonlighting & corporate fraud control
What is legally required to prove undeclared work & corporate fraud?
Do you cooperate with labor inspection and other government agencies?
Can we take legal action against workers who work undeclared?
How much does a private investigator cost?
What other detection services do you provide?
Hire these private detectives to control moonlighting & corporate fraud in a discreet, transparent, and result-oriented manner?